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Having a private dive instructor can be the difference between being an ok diver and a great diver. At Scubanaut we spend whatever time is needed so you fully understand the dive theory and master your underwater skills. With over 3 years of experience and 125+ students, our passion is to teach, we are running courses every week. We bring the education to you in an environment that is exciting and set for success, that means anywhere that works best for you. We can turn your home into a classroom, your pool into a training facility and if you are on a private or charter vessel, we can outfit you into a private liveaboard. 


Looking to dip your feet into the world of scuba diving? Our Discover Scuba Diving Program is a great way to see if scuba diving is for you with out the time constraints of a course. Take a half day and discover the world of Scuba Diving! Before we jump into the water, your instructor will go through the PADI Discover Scuba Diving Participant Guide and Quiz with you. Follow that with a brief scuba safety and skills presentation, preform 3 beginner diving skills in the shallows and we are off on our dives! Cost: $275 Course Prerequisites: 10 Years of Age DSD Experience Outline: 1 Day (1/2 Day) ​DSD Intro and Skills ​Discovery Dives 1&2 ​

Image by gokhan polat


Image by NEOM


PADI Open Water Diver Course

Your journey as a scuba diver starts with a solid foundation of skills and dive theory. Discover your underwater world in a place only few divers will be lucky enough to experience! We work to build the confidence so when you go off on your own you are a comfortable and safe scuba diver.


Cost: $1,000


Course Prerequisites:

-10 Years of Age

Open Water Diver Course Outline:

Day 1 (1/2 Day) Confined Water Dives 1-5

Day 2 ( 1/2 Day) Open Water Dives 1&2

Day 3 (1/2  Day) Open Water Dives 3&4

PADI Advanced Open Water Diver Course

Continue your education and take the next step in your journey as a scuba diver. Exploring new environments require special skills and handling new equipment that requires special training to assemble. We will expand your understanding and love of diving to a whole new level. Pick three of the PADI Adventure Dives that peek your interest and we will create a truly one of a kind course. 

Cost: $899

Course Prerequisites:

-PADI (Junior)  Open Water Diver

Advanced Open Water Course Outline: 

Day 1 (1/2 Day) 2 Mandatory Dives, Deep & Navigation

Day 2 (Full Day) 3 Adventure Dives of your choice.

PADI Rescue Diver Course

Safety First!

Build on your emergency awareness skills, practice underwater and surface rescues, become a smarter and safer member of your dive group. There are many risks to the sport we all know and love, that is why we train so we are always ready to help another diver in need. 

Cost: $799

Course Prerequisites:

- 12 Years of Age

- EFR Primary & Secondary Care training within 24 months

-PADI (Junior) Adventure Diver/ Advanced Open Water

Rescue Diver Course Outline:

Day 1 (1/2 Day) Confined Water Dives

Day 2 (1/2 Day) Open water Dives 1&2



PADI Divemaster Program

Beginning your professional journey as a PADI Divemaster with Scubanaut Diving. Being a PADI Divemaster is far more than just watching people underwater, think big picture as your roll is more important then you know! Join us for this exciting step in your new adventure as a PADI Professional.

Cost & Course Outline: Call Us!     

Image by NEOM
Image by Conner Baker


Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

Each specialty course is a window of opportunity into a new world. They are also an opportunity to put your skills to the test. Each specialty requires a confidence in ones own scuba abilities in order to be able to build on your basic training and expand your knowledge of dive theory. Here at Scubanaut we practice all of our specialties on a weekly basis to ensure good practice and mental retention. Ask about our specialty Try-Dives!


Make the dive down to the recreational diving limit of 40m/130ft. Learn how to safely set up and deploy a drop tank in case of emergencies. Nitrogen narcosis, increased air consumption and slowed reaction timing are all factors we need to take into consideration when deep diving. Take the test and watch colors change then disappear!  Prior to the start of the diving sessions, students must complete the PADI Deep Diver eLearning and online exams. This course has a lot of theory, explore the physiology of diving and gain a better understanding of how you body reacts to the pressure at depth. *Cost $499 Course Prerequisites: - PADI Advanced Open Water Diver or equivalent - 15 Years of Age Deep Diver Course Outline: Day 1 (1/2 Day) ​Open Water Deep Dives 1&2 Approx. 4 Hours Day 2 (1/2 Day) Open Water Deep Dives 3&4 Approx. 4 Hours


Any non-natural overhead environment underwater requires special training. Exploring cars, planes, sunken ships and even submerged homes provide a unique dive experience and shows us a glimpse of history preserved beneath the waves. These artificial reefs are often times full of fish and covered in corals so learning the proper techniques to safely penetrate and return without disrupting your environment are very important. Prior to the start of the diving sessions, students must complete the PADI Wreck Diver eLearning and online exams. On the dives we will map out some of our favorite underwater wrecks inside and out, practice using a reel and light while maintaining proper buoyancy and simulate emergency blackout procedures. *Cost $799 Course Prerequisites : - PADI Advanced Open Water Diver or equivalent - 15 Years of Age Wreck Diver Course Outline: Day 1 (1/2 Day) ​Wreck Dives 1&2 Approx. 4 Hours Day 2 (1/2 Day) ​Dry Land Training (1 Hour) Wreck Dives 3&4 Approx. 5 Hours


By increasing the amount of oxygen in the mixture we put into our tanks we can alter our NDL to be able to spend more time at depth where you might normally be close to deco. Learn how to properly analyze and record your tank mixture. Talk about what Oxygen Clean really means and how to set up your dive computer to find your new no-stop limits. Prior to the start of the diving sessions, students must complete the PADI Enriched Air Diver eLearning and online exams. During the in-class portion of your day you and your instructor will mix your own nitrox tanks, go behind the scenes of a dive center into the fill room to help you better understand how a dive center operates. * Cost 350 Course Prerequisites: - PADI Open Water Diver or enrolled in OWD course - 15 Years of Age Enriched Air Diver Course Outline: Day 1 (6 Hours) ​AM: Nitrox Practical Class ​PM: Nitrox Dives 1&2 ​Dry class available upon request*


Want to be able to communicate by talking with your dive buddy underwater? Or tell your surface support your gonna stay down for an extra 15 min? How about never having to defog or deal with jaw fatigue again. These are just some of the benefits Full Face Masks provides. Learn about all the latest models and train using the OTS Guardian FFM system.  The knowledge development portion of the class is in person, prior to the start of the diving sessions you and your instructor will cover all aspects of the course materials and go over the requirements students are expected to meet in order to be successful. The PADI Full Face Mask course has quickly become a favorite among recreational divers! * Cost $599 Course Prerequisites: - PADI Open Water Diver or equivalent - 12 Years of Age* Full Face Mask Diver Course Outline: Day 1 (Approx. 4 Hours) ​In Class portion ​Confined Water Dive ​ Day 2 (Approx. 4 Hours) ​Open Water Dives 1&2 ​



Yes you will look cool! There are endless benefits for sidemount, you have an increased gas supply, versatility and customization of gear allows for use in almost any environment. As for trim, it is often said you almost fall into perfect buoyancy with sidemount, come and see if that is the case for you.   Prior to the start of the diving sessions, students must complete the PADI Recreational Sidemount Diver eLearning and online exams. Sidemount required you to be a more self aware diver, practice and repetition with hose management and equalizing your gas supply are important aspects of sidemount that you wouldn't deal with in any other specialty course. *Cost $600 Course Prerequisites : - PADI Open Water Diver or equivalent - 15 Years of Age Sidemount Diver Course Outline: Day 1 (Full Day) ​AM: Confined Water Dives ​PM: Sidemount Open Water Dive 1 Day 2 (5 Hours) ​Sidemount Open Water Dives 2&3


Float like a butterfly, stink like a bee. Stand out from others divers in your group with an impressive hover and natural buoyancy skill set. Help improve your breathing rate and air consumption, get closer to coral without worrying you might run into it or photograph underwater organisms while maintaining expert trim and breath control. Prior to the start of the diving sessions, students must complete the PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy eLearning and online exams. The dives are full of scuba games that require you to think about your buoyancy and adjust accordingly, come have fun and hover with us. *Cost $300 Course Prerequisites: - PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver or equivalent - 10 Years of Age PPB Course Outline: 1 Day (1/2 Day) ​PPB Dives 1&2 Approx. 4 Hours


Just like on land there are nocturnal marine life! Discover a new underwater world inside your flashlights beam of light that looks very different from the dive site during the day. Talk about safety procedures for night dives and why we always carry a backup light.  Basic skills like telling someone how much air you have change when its completely dark, continue your education and learn how to be a PADI Night Diver.  Prior to the start of the night diving sessions, students must complete the PADI Night Diver eLearning and online exams. To be a confident night diver you need strong navigational skills, its not like the day time where you can use shadows and good visibility to return to the boat. *Cost $450 Course Prerequisites: - PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver or equivalent - 12 Years of Age Night Diver Course Outline: Night 1 Approx. 2 Hours Night 2 3 Hours ​Night Dives 2&3


How familiar are you with your boating lingo? How about the different the different guidelines and practices associated with diving in other new environments and countries. This course is great for anyone who was trained by shore diving but is now about to embark on an amazing adventure! Prior to the start of the diving sessions, students must complete the PADI Boat Diver eLearning and online exams. Course Prerequisites : - PADI (Junior) Open Water Diver or equivalent - 10 Years of Age Boat Diver Course Outline: 1 Day (1/2 Day) ​Boat Dives 1&2 Approx. 4 Hours



Emergency Oxygen is the most important piece of dive gear every dive boat should have. It is used to help treat victims experiencing a wide range of DCI and scuba diving maladies. You will learn about flow rates and how to properly assemble, disassemble, store and use an emergency oxygen kit so it last for years to come.  Prior to the start of our In-Class session, students must complete the PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider eLearning and online exams. *Cost $200 Course Prerequisites: - None Emergency O2 Provider Course Outline: 1 Day (Approx. 2 Hours) ​In Class O2 training


Let your inner scuba tech geek out! Learn the difference between partial pressure and direct blending techniques. Go over the 40% rule and have an introduction into the world of Trimix and Heliox blending methods. Discover the inner workings of a dive station fill center and discuss why we use different grades of oxygen when diving. This class in entirely in-person. Students will work through and complete the PADI Tec Rec Gas Blender Manuel with the instructor before moving onto the exam. Oxygen clean a tank and regulator, discuss compressor operating safety standards and fill your own Nitrox, Oxygen and 21% tanks for use. *Cost: 250 Course Prerequisites: - PADI Advanced Open Water Diver or equivalent - 15 Years of Age Tec Rec Gas Blender Course Outline: Day 1 (1 Day) ​Full Day at Dive Center Fill Station Day 2 (1/2 Day) Optional ​Dives 1 & 2 on the tanks you filled!


Be a part of the team that's making a difference in protecting our reefs from invasive species devastating our reefs of natural populations. Lionfish do not belong in the Atlantic and surrounding waters, we first will learn about their biology and how they adapt and grow before moving onto capture and euthanasia techniques.  The class begins with a presentation, before you can jump into so solve the problem we need to know how it started. *Cost $ - Course Prerequisites: - PADI Open Water Diver or equivalent - 15 Years of Age Lionfish Tracker Course Outline: Day 1 (1/2 Day) Wreck Dives 1&2 Approx. 4 Hours Day 2 (1/2 Day) ​Dry Land Training (1 Hour) Wreck Dives 3&4 Approx. 5 Hours


Have you ever dove with someone who is deaf or maybe had a buddy who uses hand fins? Learn how to be the most accommodating dive buddy and go over techniques to help those who may need a hand getting in and out of the water. Most divers who need a hand can tell you exactly the kind of help they need so don't be shy!


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